Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT – Giornata 3

31 Maggio 2023

The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work,
and relate to one another It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by technology
advances that are commensurate with those of the first, second, and third industrial
revolutions The speed, breadth, and depth of this revolution are forcing us to rethink how
countries should develop and how organizations create value
The 6 th edition of IEEE MetroInd 4 0 &IoT aims to discuss the contributions both of the
metrology for the development of Industry 4 0 and IoT and the new opportunities offered by
Industry 4 0 and IoT for the development of new measurement methods and instruments
MetroInd 4 0 &IoT wants to federate stakeholders active in developing instrumentation
and measurement methods for Industry 4 0 and IoT with new technologies for metrology
assisted production, component measurement, sensors and associated signal conditioning,
and calibration methods for electronic test

09:00 – 09:40
Tutorial – Cristi an Sartori,
Distributed measuring and control using edge computi ng and container based soft ware forindustrial applicati ons
Aula Consiliare
Hall N3
09:40 – 11:00
Session 9.1 – Opti cal Sensors in Industry 4.0:Roles, Capaciti es, and Applicati ons – Part I
Session 9.2 – Advances in predicti ve maintenanceand fault detecti on for Industry 4.0 – Part I
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:10
Session 10.1 – Opti cal Sensors in Industry 4.0:Roles, Capaciti es, and Applicati ons – Part II
Session 10.2 – Advances in predicti vemaintenance and fault detecti on for Industry 4.0 -Part II
13:10 – 14:30
Aula Consiliare
Hall N3
14:30 – 15:30
Session 11.1 –
– Augmented products for safetyand sports – Part II
14:30 – 15:50 – Session 11.2 – Measurements andVirtual Measurements for Industry 4.0:Approaches and Soluti ons for SmartManufacturing – Part III
15:50 – 16:20
Closing and Award Ceremony

Allegato: 1685520115.Program_at_a_glance___IEEE_MetroInd4.0___IoT_2023.pdf
